Friday 31 May 2019

New scenery project: Fantasy/Medieval Village! PART I

Hi guys! 

Sorry for the lack of posts these last few weeks, I have been busy painting my Warhammer/Marauder Giant (I'll finish him in a week or so...). I want to make a village in a big single base, with 4 or 5 houses, and out of that single base, I have my already painted 2 cottages (resin and plastic), scrachtbuilt Tavern, and the Warhammer manor, all of them finished. 

the project will include:

- Laketown house from Citadel, converted
- 2 laketown houses from Citadel, converted and joined into a bigger single building.
- Tabletop Workshop plastic townhouse 
-Tabletop Workshop plastic slightly kitbashed.
- small fences all around/ a couple of barricades

this will make a small village, "modular" with some additions out of the big base featured in this post.

I got some inspiration from this blog:

I will do a similar sized base, but changing all the buildings of course.

the plan is this :

In the "blank" place there will be the double Laketown houses from Citadel.

Some of the slightly modified houses from the extinct Tabletop Workshop:

And a couple of barricades made of various bits in 28mm:

And out of the village base, there is a scrachtbuilt Tavern:

I built it from scracht, but using plastic bits from the Warhammer Manor house...

This Manor House:

These two big buildings (Tavern and Manor house) will complete the Village set I am building right now!

Additionally, there are a couple of cottages around, the first one, in resin, unknown manufacturer, and the second is plastic Renedra.

I hope you like it!!

Friday 10 May 2019

More Fantasy "Speedpainting": Quickshade Orcs

Hello hobby mates!

I have decided to give my orcs a big impulse,  for 2 main reasons: 1) I need bad guys for my Warhammer Quest adventures and 2) I want a second (painted) army to fight my Empire forces.

I have some classic orcs since 1999 or so, and I have bought some 4th/5th edition orcs in the last 5 years, so nowadays I have a respectable force to play with (which needs to be painted!).

I want to paint my army in 2 painting standards; 
- tabletop quality for most plastic monopose figures, orc swordsmen & bowmen and  goblin  spearmen.

-good quality for metal miniatures and the first row of plastic miniatures in a unit.

I don't like to paint tabletop quality miniatures, but as I want to field this army "soon" so I thought a solution:

- prime the miniatures in grey
- airbrush the miniatures in goblin green or similar
- basecoat all the colours (light colours rather than dark)
- Army Painter Quickshade strong tone dip
- just a highlight for most colours, maybe two for the skin, 10 min aprox per miniature.
- matt varnish and base.

I have tried the previous method with good results in my humble opinion. It is just a tool to speed up the process of mass painting.


primed and airbrushed

basecoated and given a coat of Quickshade

single highlight 48 hours after the Quickshade and BEFORE matt varnish

based and matt varnished, the miniature is finished and just need his shield.

Time of actual painting each miniature... maybe 20-25 minutes! 

But you don't paint just one, you paint in batches of 5-10 miniatures, so you can paint most basic troops in a month, and the result is nice enough (at least for me!).

Here are my first batch of speedpainted Orcs:
