Monday, 18 February 2019

French for 30 Years War: New project!

Hello mates,

Recently I have decided to abandon my Swedish/Protestant project for 30 years war, and convert it into French.  Why ? Because I have already a Spanish Army, and although the Swedes are great army to paint and play with, they did not fight the Spaniards that much... Nordlingen 1634 and some other minor engagements ( As far as I know), so I thought it would be better to have a Dutch or French army, finally opting for the latter.

The reasons for the French are:

-Dutch war of independence is great for sieges, but not for field battles, after Spanish victory at Kallo, 1638,  field battles were rare.

-Building a TYW French army is great for me, because I can depict engagementes from 1628 to 1659.

- I can use English, German or Catalan regiment as allies or mercenaries depending on the front.

- Infantry regiments are well known, and the flags are easy to identify, unfortunately, the cavalry flags are almost unknown.

-interesting "unique" features  like more ribbons in late war.

-Lots of conversion and kitbashing posibilities!

The beginning and basis of my army will be the following:

- 3 native French regiments of Pike & Shot, (Picardie, Turenne, French Guards)
- English regiment for the Dunes or Catalan Tercio for the War in Catalonia & Rousillon. luckly, both used the St George Cross ! so a generic white flag with red cross will do the job ;)
-German regiment (Weimarian or similar)

-a couple of guns, light and medium.

-at least 3 horse squadrons, 1 cuirassier and 2 horse reiters or similar.

-command bases.

For the previous  units, I already have painted several ex Swedish pikemen, a light gun, officers etc, now dispersed in the different regiments. Also some ECW horsemen, and a command base that will loose its nice Swedish flag (and their sashes will be repainted in white).

Here you can see my "Work in Progress" pike blocks, I have used several manufacturers like Warlord Games, Northstar, Steve Barber, The Assault Group, Bicorne...:

Probably my future French Guards

Regiment Picardie

Regiment Picardie

Regiment de Turenne

And now, some colour plates for inspiration about 30 years war French Army:

First, some modern interpretations of the French army, taken from Several books and the internet, some of them are from Spanish book series "Guerreros y Batallas", editorial Almena.   Is our particular "Osprey" like books.

Cardinal Guard, Reiter, Pikeman 1640'

King's Musketeer 1630'

King's Musketeer 1630'

French Musketeer

French army 

Louis XIII and Richelieu on campaign

French cavalry


Gardes Françaises


Rocroi drawing, not very accurate...

French Officer

French Musketter from 1630 onwards

French at Rocroi 1643

French at Tuttlingen 1643

French artillery attacked by Bavarian Cuirassiers 1643

Catalan Tercio fighting in the French side

Catalan tercio fighting in the French side.

Old XIXc. illustration of 30 years wars French:

Flat tin soldiers

Some Mark Allen's flags

Some old paintings I like:

Condé at Rocroi

La ferté 1654

Rocroi, I find the uniforms a bit too late for 1643.



  1. The French are an excellent; very few gamers of the period seem to collect this army.
    I am also glad to see you are using diverse manufacturers- I am curious to see how they all mix together.

    1. Hi! The manufacturers I am using: warlord, TAG,Perry, Avanpost mix very well IMho, even some bicorne miniatures are compatible!

  2. Wonderful illustrations and fantastic miniatures, lovely post!

  3. This looks a great project. Growing up in the 1960s l saw a French television program for children called “The Flashing Blade “ which was about Spain and France fighting in this period. It is well worth a watch if you have not seen it. It had a fantastic theme song.

    1. Hi , thanks, I did not know that TV series, I will look for it on youtube. Another good source is "Cyrano de Bergerac" 1990 film.

  4. Beautifully painted figures Jose. For The Flashing Blade in Spanishête-Origen-Espanol/dp/B017SH9W3S/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=Le+chevalier+Temp%C3%AAte+dvd&qid=1591178411&sr=8-1

    I too, am building a French and Spanish TYW armies for Casale, Tornavento, Rocroi, so looking forward to seeing more when completed :)

    Can you do an article on your TYW Spanish Army? Thank you and keep up the excellent figures and articles.

    1. Many thanks! Yes I will do an article of course, now I am painting other stuff, but when I come back to my Spaniards, I will update the blog with them ;)
