Friday 31 May 2019

New scenery project: Fantasy/Medieval Village! PART I

Hi guys! 

Sorry for the lack of posts these last few weeks, I have been busy painting my Warhammer/Marauder Giant (I'll finish him in a week or so...). I want to make a village in a big single base, with 4 or 5 houses, and out of that single base, I have my already painted 2 cottages (resin and plastic), scrachtbuilt Tavern, and the Warhammer manor, all of them finished. 

the project will include:

- Laketown house from Citadel, converted
- 2 laketown houses from Citadel, converted and joined into a bigger single building.
- Tabletop Workshop plastic townhouse 
-Tabletop Workshop plastic slightly kitbashed.
- small fences all around/ a couple of barricades

this will make a small village, "modular" with some additions out of the big base featured in this post.

I got some inspiration from this blog:

I will do a similar sized base, but changing all the buildings of course.

the plan is this :

In the "blank" place there will be the double Laketown houses from Citadel.

Some of the slightly modified houses from the extinct Tabletop Workshop:

And a couple of barricades made of various bits in 28mm:

And out of the village base, there is a scrachtbuilt Tavern:

I built it from scracht, but using plastic bits from the Warhammer Manor house...

This Manor House:

These two big buildings (Tavern and Manor house) will complete the Village set I am building right now!

Additionally, there are a couple of cottages around, the first one, in resin, unknown manufacturer, and the second is plastic Renedra.

I hope you like it!!